Day 4 Of Week 1 And Still Following My Weight Loss Plan

Day 4 Of Week 1 And Still Following My Weight Loss Plan

So there you have it we are now four days in to the first week of our weight loss plan. As I type this I am tucking into my smoothie which I must admit even though it is bright green is actually really nice. They said it was nice on the workout dvd but seriously why would they say it was horrible when you are trying to sell the plan? Where as myself not been affiliated with them in anyway can be completely neutral. I did the first round coping the diet to the letter and even though it said it would make up one days juice (2 glasses) I actually made 5 out of it so it covered Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning.

So the hubby was nice enough to make me a fresh batch last night and this time because I have a low iron count put a lot more spinach in it (half a bag instead of a handful) and it tastes better.   I also wonder how it would taste if it had some ginger in it or something that would give it a kick. So I am half way through the week and I have stuck to this diet to the letter. I have had juice for breakfast and in the evening. Plus a cooked meal at lunchtime which has been steamed salmon, vegetables and rice.
I have also followed this up with lots of exercise and walked 12250 metres (12.25kilometres or nearly 8 miles) and spent a total of 37 minutes on the Wii with the Zumba workout. So far feeling really good so it will be interesting to see how much I have lost on Monday. I am getting really nervous about posting it on here though just in case I haven’t lost that much.
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