Rural Society – Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

Rural Society – Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

Beni Ghoshal stepped into the inner courtyard of Mukhujyed and found an old woman in front and asked, "Hey aunty, where is Rama?" Masi was sighing, pointing to the kitchen. Beni got up and stood outside the corner of the kitchen and said, "Then Rama, what do you decide to do?" Rama raised his face and asked, "What is it, Barada?" Beni said, "Listen to the Shraddha of Tarini Khuro! Ramesh arrived on time. Do you want to pay respects to your father? Rama's two eyes widened in surprise and said, "I will go to Tarini Ghosal's house?" Beni Ishat was ashamed and said - "I know that, sister! And wherever you go, you will go there. But Shunchi, will he go and tell all the houses that have been thrown away by himself - in Bajjati wisdom he even surpasses his father - if he comes, what will he say?" Rama replied cheerfully,—"I will not say anything—the doorman outside will answer him—" As soon as this very interesting party talk reached the ears of Aunt Pujanirta, she dropped her ahnik and came up. Before Bonzhi finished speaking, he jumped up like a hot dog and said, "Why Darwan? I do not know?

Rural Society – Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

Nachhar's baby can be said that when Bachadhan is born, he will not melt his head in the house again. Will Tarini Ghosal's bata enter my house? I have not forgotten anything Venimadhava! Tarini wanted to marry my Rama with this son of hers. Even then, my child was not born - I thought that all the important things were in the palm of my hand - Father Beni did not understand! When that didn't happen, what did that Bhairav ​​Achayyi do with all the japatap, tuktak and put such a fire on my mother's forehead that, six months later, the baby's hands and head got vermilion! Do you want to marry the daughter of Yadu Mukhujya as a small caste! Temni Haramzada has also died - Batter's hand does not even get the fire! Fire in the face of the little-breed!” Biya Masi started panting as if she had finished wrestling. Beni's face turned pale at the repeated mention of the small caste, because Tarini Ghoshal was hers. Rama noticed this and scolded the aunt, "Why aunt, you talk about the caste of people? Caste is not a hand-made thing? It is better for him where he is born.” Beni smiled shyly and said, “No, Rama, masi is right. How big are you, the daughter of the nobility, can we bring you home, sister!

It is bad to bring this word of Chota Khuro to the mouth. And if you talk about Tuktaq, it is true. There is nothing in the world that is impossible for the little boy and that boy Bhairav ​​Achaiya. That Bhairav ​​became Ramesh's mentor these days." Masi said - "He said that! The ten and twelve calves that were thrown did not come back to the country—where has it been for so long?” "What are you doing Janb Masi? The way you feel with the little hooves, so is ours. Shunchi, so long ago or Bombay, no, where was it. Some say, come from the doctor's side, some say, come to be a lawyer - some say, all are cheats - throw away or drunk! When Bari arrived, the two eyes were colored like jabaful. "So? Then he should not be allowed to enter the house!” Beni enthusiastically said with a shake of the head - "No! Yes Rama, do you remember Ramesh?” Rama felt ashamed as the subject of his misfortune came up. Salj said with a soft smile, - "What do you read?" He is not much older than me. Apart from that, both of them used to study in Shitalala Pathshala. But I remember his mother's death very much. Khurima loved me very much.”

Masi danced once more and said, "His love's face is on fire!" That love is only for achieving its own goals. Their intention was to touch you somehow." Beni agreed like a very wise woman, "Is there any doubt about it, Aunty! Chhota Khurima too,—"But before she finished her speech, Rama said unhappily to aunt,—"Doesn't all those old words need to be said, aunt?" No matter how many quarrels Rama had with Ramesh's father, Rama had a hidden pain towards his mother. Even so far it has not been completely eradicated. Beni immediately agreed and said, "That's it, that's it." Chotakhuri was the daughter of a good man. My mother sheds tears even today when she talks about him.” After reading what was said, Beni immediately suppressed these topics. He said, "But this is steady, sister, won't you move?" Rama laughed. Said, "Old man, Baba used to say, the end of fire, the end of debt, and the end of the enemy is always in Rakhisne Maa." Tarini Ghoshal didn't irritate us any less — she even wanted to put Dad in jail. I have not forgotten anything, Barada,—as long as I live, I will not forget. Ramesh is the enemy's son!

Apart from that, I have nowhere to go. Father has divided the affairs between our two siblings, but the burden of protecting all matters is only on me! Not mine, I will not let those who are near us go.” After thinking for a while, he said, "Well, big brother, can't you make it so that no Brahmin goes to their house?" Beni moved a little and said in a low voice, "That's the effort Karchi sister." You are by my side, and I do not worry. My name is not Beni Ghoshal, so I can't drive Ramesh away from Kuyapur. I stayed after him, and that Bhairav ​​Achayyi! No more Tarini Ghosal; Let's see who protects this boy now!” Rama said, “Rakshe Karbe Ramesh Ghoshal. Look, Barada, this is what I am saying, it will not do less to end the enmity.” Beni advanced a little further and sat up on the platform after observing it from side to side.Then he said in a very soft voice, “Rama, you want to bend the bamboo, this time. I will definitely tell you that it won't happen again when it gets old. Subjects and property have not learned how to protect—in the meantime, unless the enemy can be exterminated, there will be no more in the future;

We must remember this day and night that this is Tarini Ghosal's son—no one else!” "I understand that he is great!" "You do not understand didi! God created you as a boy and not as a girl. We can all say that even a wise landlord can get away from you. Well, tomorrow is a surprise. It's time today, let's go—” said Beni and got up. Rama was very pleased with this praise, stood up and went to protest a little with modesty, and his heart burst into tears. From one end of the courtyard came the call of an unfamiliar solemn voice—"Queen, where are you?" Ramesh's mother used to call him by this name during his childhood. He himself had forgotten it for so long. He looked at Beni and saw that his whole face had turned black. A moment later Ramesh came and stood, bare-headed, bare-footed, with the northern head tied on his head. He said as soon as he saw Beni's eyes, "This is the big one, here? Well, come on, if not you, who will? I'm looking for you all over town! Where is the queen?” Baliai came and stood in front of the closet.

There is no way to escape, Rama kept walking. Ramesh immediately looked at him and expressed great surprise and said - "Here it is! Hey Iss, how big are you? How are you?” Rama Temni stood face down. Suddenly could not speak. But Ramesh smiled a little and immediately said, "Are you worried? I am your Ramesh Da!” Still Rama could not look up. But, softly asked, "Are you okay?" "Yes brother, I am fine. But, why do you like me?” Looking at Beni, he smiled a little and said, "I could never forget Rama's words, big brother!" He was very young when his mother died. At that age he wiped my eyes and said, 'Rameshda, don't cry, we will share my mother.' Well, do you remember my mother?” Hearing this, Rama's neck fell even more in shame. He could not shake his neck even once to say that he misses Khurima very much. Ramesh especially addressed Rama and started saying - "There is no more time, there are only three days left in between, take care of it brother, which is called utter desperation, that is why I am standing at your doorstep. If you don't go, you won't even be able to make this much arrangement." Masi Asiya silently stood behind Ramesh.

When neither Beni nor Rama answered a single word, he moved towards Sumukh and asked Ramesh in the mouth, "Are you Bapu, Tarini Ghoshal's son?" Ramesh has never seen this aunt before; Because, after he left the village, he did not come out of the main house where he had entered on the occasion of Rama's mother's illness. Ramesh kept looking at him in surprise. Masi said, "Otherwise, who else would be such a naughty man?" Like father, like son. It is not said, where is it, you do not have the courage to enter into a Gerstar house?" Ramesh was looking like a madman. "I'm going," said Beni, who was busy and moved away. Rama said from inside the room, “What a fool aunty, don't you go to your own work—” Aunty thought she understood Bonjhi's subtle hint. So he added a little more venom in his voice and said, "No, Rama, Bakisne. I am not blinded by the work that has to be done. What was the need for Beni to run away in such fear? If you say, we are not your gamsta, nor are we the people of Khastaluk, who will go to fetch water and knead flour in your workshop.

Tarini Marache, Gaon Shudhache bones of people; It would have been done like a man if he had said this to his face instead of referring to us." Ramesh was still standing as if numb. In fact, all these things were invisible even in his nightmares. The chain of the cupboard in the kitchen rattled from inside. But no one paid attention to it. Masi repeated to Ramesh's expressionless and very pale face, "Anyway, I want to insult Bamun's son with the servant Darwan, - act a little nervously, Bapu, - go. It is not the little girl who will enter the house of the gentleman and wander around! I told you that my Rama will never go to your house to wash his feet.” Suddenly Ramesh awoke as if from a sleep, and immediately a breath came out of his broad chest so deep that he himself was startled by the sound. Standing behind the closet inside the room, Rama raised his face and looked. Ramesh hesitated once, after that, pointing towards the kitchen, he said, "When you can't go, what is the other way! But I did not know so much—for the trouble I caused without knowing, judge me, queen!” Balia slowly left.

There was no response from inside the house. Ramesh could not even know that the person to whom forgiveness was sought was silently looking at his face. Beni immediately came back and stood up. He didn't run away, he just hid outside and waited. His whole face was filled with joy and laughter from seeing his aunt, he came and said, "Yes, aunty!"I could not say so! What is the work of the servant-janitor Rama! Did I stand behind and see, the face turned pale like a cloud of ash! This is right!” Masi said in a tone of slight arrogance, "I know very well; But it would have been better if these two girls had not been burdened, or gone and said it themselves! And no, if I tell him, why don't you stand and listen? Shouldn't have read like that!" The smile on Beni's face got mixed with aunt's words. He did not think that he would clear this accusation, but he did not have to think for long, suddenly Rama answered him from inside; He didn't say a word till now.

He said, "When you say it yourself, aunty, then you are better than everyone else." No matter what anyone says, no one like you could have spread so much poison with his tongue!” Both Masi and Beni were astonished. Masi turned back to the kitchen and said, "Ki balli la?" “Nothing. If you sit on the stove and get up seven times—don't go, don't finish it—won't it be cooking?” At last Rama himself came out and without saying a word to anyone crossed the verandah and entered the next room. Beni asked quietly with a dry mouth, "What's the matter aunty?" "What are you doing, son? And understanding the mood of the king and queen is the action of our slave?" Saying in anger, in anger, he blackened his face and went to his seat of worship and sat down, and started chanting the name of God in his mind. Beni left slowly.

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